How to select the right MBA college: please pass to aspirants


OK, let us get real. It depends on what you want from an MBA education. If it is to avoid looking for a job, because the economy is down, then any MBA will do. This article is not for you. If you want to extend your educational life, then this article is not for you. […]

Why do an MBA


Most students join an MBA program for the following reasons: A simple graduation does not fetch a decent job Having done Bachelors in Business Administration, there is little choice but to do an MBA Extending their academic life by two more years Go far away from their parents and relatives to a place where no […]

Books for Entrepreneurs listed by Damir Perge


The following list books are mentioned in Entrepreneur Myths by Damir Perge : Out of Control: The New Biology of Machines, Social Systems, & the Economic World by Kevin Kelly. This book will change your way of looking at the world. And yes, you are not in control no matter what you think. Bionomics: Economy as Ecosystem by Michael Rothschild. Every […]

What do recruiters look for?


A recruiter needs three types of skills 1. Subject matter expertise This is the main thrust of most MBA programs. The professors are aggregators on knowledge and they cram it into the students. Most B-schools teach the same subjects. Different students retain this knowledge at different levels based on their capability and interest and sometimes […]

Mood Swings and Emotional Balance


I see students alternating between extremes: depression and elation, weeks of procrastination and sudden bursts of frenetic energy, greed and contentment, love and hatred, ‘never’ and ‘always’. Since these swings are a function of time, they can be considered as emotional waves. The energy provided to a wave can be expended in two ways: laterally […]

The psychology of procrastination


  It can be said that we procrastinate because of the following reasons: We are not motivated We are afraid we can’t finish the task, or we will fail or we will have to repeat the success The task is not important enough We do not know how to do the task so do not […]

Double Standards and Hypocrisy


Talking to some students, I realised that a person has a different set of rules for how they should be treated and for how they should treat others.  For example, we expect that juniors should obey our rules, but we should not obey any rules. A corollary to this is the expectation that if person […]

Creating walls around us


  I was talking to someone in my daughter’s generation about emotions and she mentioned that some of  her friends have sort of created a wall around themselves, because they have had failed relationships or been hurt emotionally, and they do not want to get hurt any more. This wall prevents them from having emotions. […]

Promotions simplified


You have two types of customers. External customers to whom you add value by selling your products. Internal customers, like your boss, who you convince to give you resources and rewards. If both are happy with you, you are promoted. If either one is happy with you, you retain your job. If neither is happy […]

Actions and Consequences


If I did not do well in the exam today, I want to know why.  It is possible that it is a consequence of two actions: I did not (or chose not to) understand what the examiner wants as answers I did not prepare well. Both of the above are critical of me and therefore […]