“Plan your MBA right to make it work for you” – A Workshop


Folks, I am part of the IIT Mentors group where I mentor a team of professionals during their career. We are organising a panel discussion for corporate executives who wish to do an MBA. If you have friends interested in doing an MBA, please pass this message to them. And, if you wish, please post […]

Workshop on Career Development – 17 Dec 2011


Folks, this is a review of my workshop on Career Development for executives, who believe that their career is stuck. Have a dekko… http://www.iitmentors.org/india/newsletter_online/Sampark%20Issue%203,%20Jan%202012/index.html#

Book Launch Video of “MBA Blues – What Recruiters Want” at IBA, Bangalore


Making it to the top 20 in Management Skills Category


I am pleased to announce that my website has made it into the top 20 websites in the Management Skills category. www.top20sites.com/Top-Management-Skills-Sites Thank you readers. Chandu

Mention in Deccan Herald Article – “In search of a new life”


I was mentioned in the following article of Deccan Herald. http://www.deccanherald.com/content/176886/in-search-life.html Relevant excerpt is given below— Chandra Kant, who teaches at a management school in Bangalore, has a different approach to spirituality. He says what triggered his thinking was a term called ‘drop dead money’ that he read in a book. This is a term […]

“MBA Blues” is now available on flipkart.com


I am pleased to announce that my book “MBA Blues – What Recruiters Want and What B-Schools Don’t Teach” is available at flipkart.com. The url to the book is here.  

What Recruiters Want: Book Excerpt


If you look from a recruiter’s point of view, he needs three types of skills. Subject Matter Knowledge and Expertise. An MBA is hired because he has had training in various disciplines and therefore has the ability to look at the big picture and understand the impact of a decision on all the disciplines. While […]

First book “MBA Blues” launched


  As many of you know, there has been talk of writing a book, for a long time. Ultimately, it has become a reality. The book has gone for final proof reading, the cover page has been made, ISBN number has been obtained and we are ready to roll. This is the first book of […]