“Lincoln’s Letter” is the essence of Management Skills


Lincoln once write a letter to the teacher of his son. It is quite well known and found in most text books. I happened to glance at it at my daughter’s school and marvelled at how similar it is to the values we teach in management schools. He will have to learn, I know, that […]

9 Mistakes you are making on Linkedin – From Inc.com


I had earlier written a blog on why LinkedIn should be used. Inc.com has published an article on the mistakes that you may be doing on LinkedIn. Please do read it. I have two additional comments to make. The essence of networking is to give before you receive. Further, giving should be done way before […]

What can help me find an ideal job?


When people quit after working for only a few months in a job,  some of the reasons they cite are listed below. I was bored! I was overworked! It was not what I was promised! The organisation is not good! I did not like the profile! I could not handle the job! My boss was […]

Love after Marriage?


Question: “What should I make my career in?“ Answer: “Follow your passion!“ Me: “What Crap!“ The suggestion made by most well-meaning ‘advisors’ is “Do what you love…“ There are abundant books and articles written around this theme. If you are a cook, start a restaurant. If you like watching films, become a film critic, even […]

3 reasons why we do not believe, “Prevention is better than cure…”


Folks, I am part of the IIT Mentors group where I mentor a team of professionals during their career. We are organising a panel discussion for corporate executives who wish to do an MBA. If you have friends interested in doing an MBA, please pass this message to them. And, if you wish, please post […]

From: “Tuesdays with Morrie” by Mitch Albom


This probably is the most pithy statement about life purpose or goal. Do read the book, which probably, along with “‘To Sir With Love” and “The Last Lecture” would stand among the top 3 books about teachers. ——- “I decided what I wanted on my tombstone,” he said. I don’t want to hear about tombstones. […]

3 ways to increase Self Esteem


Suppose I feel pretty proud of winning a prize. I feel on top of the world and I want to share my happiness with others. If others tell me that this prize has no value, or do not reciprocate my happiness, I have two choices: I can feel terrible because others did not value this […]

Desiderata – A 1927 prose poem giving Advice on Emotional Intelligence


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even to the dull and the ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and […]

6 Characteristics of Relationships and How to Maintain Them


When two persons enter into a relationship (be it professional or personal), the following interaction happens. There are three distinct areas – the two persons having unique identities A, B and a third shared identity (C). This is a very important concept – that the relationship is separate from the persons who create the relationship. Just […]

Acceptance is not Resignation


When someone come to me with stories of how badly life has treated him (no one tells me stories of how life has treated them fairly), and asks for advice on what to do, I request him to accept that this incident has happened. Invariably, the person becomes confused and asks, “So, you are telling […]