It can be said that we procrastinate because of the following reasons:

  1. We are not motivated
  2. We are afraid we can’t finish the task, or we will fail or we will have to repeat the success
  3. The task is not important enough
  4. We do not know how to do the task so do not correctly estimate the time and the effort
  5. We don’t want to – the task may be dangerous – physically or emotionally

Theoretically, since we know the above, we can prevent procrastination by motivating ourselves, handling our fear and making a good estimate.  Why do we still procrastinate and ignore all the warning signs?

The reason is Affective Forecasting.

If we are full after a meal, we will buy less food at the grocery store.  If we are happy, we believe the future will be rosy. If we are sad, we predict the future to be terrible.

Our current state affects the prediction of an event in the future.

I want to watch a movie so I decide to do the assignment tomorrow. I am happy that I have made a decision. I am also happy that I can watch the movie. Therefore, I predict that doing the assignment tomorrow will be enjoyable.  This positive prediction of a rosy future prevents us from being realistic.

I decide that tomorrow 5 a.m., I will go for a jog. I feel happy that I have made some decisions about my health. I can now watch a movie. Therefore I predict, in my current positive mood, that tomorrow morning my mood will be the same and I will jump out of bed and go for a jog. I ignore the facts that I go to sleep at 1 a.m. and at 5 o’clock I will be grumpy, will definitely hit the snooze button and snuggle back into a warm blanket.

I procrastinate because I believe that by procrastinating, my present and my future will be happier.


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