There is no such thing as a quick pill


We have a headache, we take aspirin or paracetamol or consult a so-called expert, take their recommendation and get back to doing what we were doing. Since the problem goes away, we do not bother. Each time the headache returns, we take a larger dose or try a different medicine. Sometimes it works, sometimes it […]

There is something wrong


If I analyse any bad experience, I generally conclude that there was/is something wrong with me or what I did, or something wrong with the other party involved in the transaction, or with the world (circumstances, parents, boss, government). If that transaction has been beneficial to another person then he obviously does not come to […]

Judging people


I have a tendency to judge people or companies. They are all doing the best they can under the circumstances and we do not know all the circumstances to judge them. When a person acts in a particular way, he does it based on his beliefs. We take this action of the person and extrapolate […]

I hate my boss


I have discussed beliefs before. Any action has a response based on beliefs. If you believe that the company you are working in is bad, all your judgements will be coloured negatively. If you believe, like all humans, companies occasionally make mistakes, you give it a benefit of doubt. The company is not forcing you…your […]

What does my balance sheet look like


In order to make oodles of money, I need to have something to sell that other people want and are willing to buy and pay. What I have are my assets. I can have a physical asset (either god given, inherited, purchased or created by me) – this can include looks etc. as well as […]

Beliefs or frames of reference


If I have put my child to sleep and am relaxing in front of the TV with a glass of well deserved Laphroig in my hand, and he comes crawling out, I get pissed off. My belief is that I need to relax. The child’s belief is that he does not want to sleep. On […]

Why are we here on earth and what is the purpose of our existence?


It is my belief that we are here to better mankind. To me, ‘better mankind’ means to leave people who come in contact with us better than when they met us. Some of us are blessed with the means and the opportunity to improve a large section of mankind but the rest of us can […]

Why am I being passed over?


I burned the midnight oil, I helped my colleagues finish their work in time, I fetched and carried for my boss, I made his presentations, his spreadsheets, his reports but my colleague got promoted. I thought I was indispensable. My colleague did not work as hard as me, and in my opinion he was an […]

Rome was built on the last day


The subject is a common project management adage. It means that things get done at the last minute, even if there was enough time to plan well. It is human nature to prioritise things on the basis of the pleasure principle – personal gratification and ease of use, or the pain principle, that is avoidance […]

So you got rejected!


I have (had?) this dream company that I want to get into. It came to the campus but I did not even make it to the first base. Others, less competent than me, made it. After a bout of depression, I sat down and pondered deeply about what happened. Did I really prepare well? The […]